I spoke too fast - the ARCHETYPE_HRID syntax is specified here in the Archetype Identification spec. <http://www.openehr.org/releases/AM/latest/docs/Identification/Identification.html#_human_readable_identifier_hrid>

On 30/11/2017 13:40, Thomas Beale wrote:

The ADL 1.4 identifier syntax is here <http://www.openehr.org/releases/BASE/latest/docs/base_types/base_types.html#_syntaxes>, and permits underscores. The ADL2 syntax for the type ARCHETYPE_HRID I think is not visible anywhere except code, so we'll need to remedy that. The relevant code <https://github.com/openEHR/adl-tools/blob/1fc0e5c9432b3fca55d301652601838d9f78a32f/libraries/openehr/src/am/archetype/archetype_hrid.e#L50> shows that underscores are accepted as well.

I would suggest using the proper specification name as various tools are starting to depend on consistent use of names across specifications, UML packages and classes, and archetypes. In fact I suspect that right now the ADL Workbench would not recognise an Extract archetype that didn't have EHR_EXTRACT as the RM class qualifier, because the relevant BMM <https://github.com/openEHR/reference-models/tree/master/models/openEHR/Release-1.0.3/BMM> is named that way (I haven't checked though).

I would go with the id template openEHR-EHR_EXTRACT-EXTRACT.something.v1.0.0. There are examples <https://github.com/openEHR/adl-archetypes/tree/master/Example/openEHR/ehr_extract_template/Working/Archetypes/ehr_extract> already of this in the archetype test repo.

- thomas

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