I wonder if it is possible to use other units then UCUM units in DV_QUANTITY. I read from Pablo in Stackoverflow that the SEC is considering custom units. I think this is great, but I see some problems coming up. I have some questions about this,

I wonder how you can do that without changing the DV_QUANTITY-definition, because it has a units-attribute, it says it must be expressed in UCUM syntax. It does not say anything about the unit itself, only about the notation.

Must we understand UCUM so, that it has not only a syntax for its own units, but also for custom units?

That is strange, because custom-units (non-UCUM) can carry custom (non-UCUM) syntax-descriptions. So if we are writing a custom unit, and using a syntax to specify it, then we need two references, don't we?

One reference for where the unit comes from, and one reference for the syntax?

A custom unit can also occur in another standard, for example SNOMED, also a UCUM-unit can occur in SNOMED, but is it sure it means the same? Normally we are very prudent about things like this. I found a HL7 wiki about this. Someone did some thinking about this. I think that also applies to OpenEhr.


Best regards
Bert Verhees

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