Somehow I was able to run "openejb test".
I just run "openejb start&" before.
Is it the right step?

Alan Cabrera wrote:

There are two sets of tests that the command will perform.  First is the IntraVM tests.  Next is the remote server tests.  It looks like you cannot reach your remote server.  After the script prints "", you should see a window popup where the remote server is actually running.  Do you see that window?Can you send me a copy of your openejb.log file?Regards,Alan
-----Original Message-----
From: Lev Assinovsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 10:12 AM
Subject: [OpenEJB-user] Newbie trouble: how to test?
I just downloaded openejb archive , unpacked it
and command " test".
I got exception:
============== cut here =====================================

Running EJB compliance tests on IntraVM Server
OpenEJB 0.8.1    build: 20020730-2236
OK (373 tests)


Running EJB compliance tests on EJB Server
 1. Starting OpenEJB Server...
 2. Starting test EJB client...
Error closing connection with server: null
Cannot start the test database: java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot start database: javax.naming.NamingException Cannot lookup /client/tools/DatabaseHome: Received error: Error while communicating with server: ; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot access server: / Exception: ; nested exception is: Cannot access server: / Exception: : Connection refused
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot start database: javax.naming.NamingException Cannot lookup /client/tools/DatabaseHome: Received error: Error while communicating with server: ; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot access server: / Exception: ; nested exception is: Cannot access server: / Exception: : Connection refused
        at org.openejb.test.InstantDbTestDatabase.start(
        at org.openejb.test.TestManager.start(
        at org.openejb.test.ClientTestRunner.doRun(
        at junit.textui.TestRunner.start(
        at org.openejb.test.TestRunner.start(
        at org.openejb.test.ClientTestRunner.main(

====================== cut here =========================================
Does it mean I should download and start PostgresSQL?
Sorry about my stupid question.

Lev Assinovsky                Peterlink Web
Programmer                    St. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 9418104       197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

Lev Assinovsky                Peterlink Web
Programmer                    St. Petersburg, Russia
Tel/Fax: +7 812 9418104       197022 ul.Chapigina 7Á

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