On Sun, Dec 01, 2019 at 03:47:43PM -0600, Mark Hatle wrote:

> I've been looking through the layer index (master primarly), and I think we 
> need
> to figure out a policy of when to remove a layer from master indexing.
> So I'd like to suggest the following policy:
> - For released branches, we do not remove layers from the index unless the 
> layer
> URL is no longer valid.  If it is not valid for more then 90 days, we should
> remove it.
> - For master branch, we use a series of tests to determine if the layer is 
> still
> actively maintained and useful to users:
>    1. Is the layer URL valid?  If it has not been valid for more then 90 days,
> it should be removed.
>    2. Does the layer claim to support any of the last three releases: the
> current (or planned release) or prior two releases?
>       i.e. LAYERSERIES_COMPAT does not have thud, warrior or zeus in it.
>       This means the layer has not been updated within the last 18 months, and
> should be removed.
> So why the suggestion above?
> The URL one should be obvious, if the layer can no longer be downloaded then 
> it
> should be removed.  We should be able to detect when the index hasn't been
> updated in 90 days.  (We could consider dropping this to 45 or even 30 days.)
> Looking for the last 3 releases give people the opportunity to update their
> layers, or other people to find layers that may be of interest to them and
> submit updates.  After 18 months, the layer is clearly no longer being
> maintained and will cause more confusion then actually helping people find
> something useful.  (Also after 18 months of inactivity, there is a much higher
> likelihood of security vulnerabilities in the code.)
> So if the TSC agrees that this is a good proposal, I can work with Paul to
> implement it (most likely manually at first, and then eventually via 
> automation.)

My concerns here are:
- There's a lot of non-public projects out there not on "last 3" and
  having older information is still useful.
- As was already stated (but on my mind right now as I hop over to see
  if anyone made recipes for X/Y/Z) being able to answer the question
  of "a long time ago someone made a recipe for X" is useful.

So I would ask for more visual indicators that something is old rather
than removing old things.


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