On 12/29/22 9:06 AM, Richard Purdie wrote:
On Thu, 2022-12-29 at 08:50 -0600, Joshua Watt wrote:
On Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 7:56 AM Richard Purdie
<richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

I was asked about a WORKDIR/fetcher interaction problem and the bugs it
results in. I've tried to write down my thoughts.

The unpack task writes it's output to WORKDIR as base.bbclass says:

         fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch(src_uri, d)

We historically dealt with tarballs which usually have a NAME-VERSION
directory within them, so when you extract them, they go into a sub
directory which tar creates. We usually call that subdirectory "S".

When we wrote the git fetcher, we emulated this by using a "git"
directory to extract into rather than WORKDIR.

For local files, there is no sub directory so they go into WORKDIR.
This includes patches, which do_patch looks for in WORKDIR and applies
them from there.

What issues does this cause? If you have an existing WORKDIR and run a
build with:

SRC_URI = "file://a file://b"

then change it to:

SRC_URI = "file://a"

and rebuild the recipe, the fetch and unpack tasks will rerun and their
hashes will change but the file "b" is still in WORKDIR. Nothing in the
codebase knows that it should delete "b" from there. If you have code
which does "if exists(b)", which is common, it will break.

There are variations on this, such as a conditional append on some
override to SRC_URI but the fundamental problem is one of cleanup when
unpack is to rerun.

The naive approach is then to think "lets just delete WORKDIR" when
running do_unpack. There is the small problem of WORKDIR/temp with logs
in. There is also the pseudo database and other things tasks could have
done. Basically, whilst tempting, it doesn't work out well in practise
particularly as that whilst unpack might rerun, not all other tasks

I did also try a couple of other ideas. We could fetch into a
subdirectory, then either copy or symlink into place depending on which
set of performance/usabiity challenges you want to deal with. You could
involve a manifest of the files and then move into position so later
you'd know which ones to delete.

Part of the problem is that in some cases recipes do:

S = "${WORKDIR}"

for simplicity. This means that you also can't wipe out S as it might
point at WORKDIR.

SPDX users have requested a json file of file and checksums after the
unpack and before do_patch. Such a manifest could also be useful for
attempting cleanup of an existing WORKDIR so I suspect the solution
probably lies in that direction, probably unpacking into a subdir,
indexing it, then moving into position.

By "moving it into position" do you mean moving the files from the
clean subdirectory to the locations they would occupy today?

If so.... I don't understand why that's strictly necessary. It seems
like almost all of the complexity of this will be to support a
use-case we don't really like anyway (S = "${WORKDIR}"). Manifests are
great and all, but it causes a lot of problems if they get out of sync
and I suspect that would happen more often than we would like, e.g.
with devtool, make config, manual editing, etc. If we can keep it
simple and not rely on external state (e.g. a manifest) I think it
will be a lot easier to maintain in the long run.

Dropping S = "${WORKDIR}" doesn't solve the problem being described
here, it just removes something which complicates current code and
makes that problem harder to solve. Even not supporting S =
"${WORKDIR}", do_unpack still unpacks to WORKDIR with the S directory
created by the tarball.

In this particular piece, it's always bugged me that I don't have control over the place it unpacks (whatever it is), where it patches and the S directory. (These are NOT the same thing in some cases of cases, but we ending up having to "make them the same".)

For instance, I've got software that is going to download (currently) into:


(I don't have ownership over the structure, so I have to live with it...)

Each app & variant is a separate recipe. So we end up having to play games with the S and patchlevel and other thing so that I can have 2 recipes (app1 and app2) that will build the correct variant for their machine.

If I could say:

unpack to $WORKDIR
patch in $WORKDIR/embeddedsw/apps
source in $WORKDIR/embeddedsw/apps/app1/variant1

it would make it easier in this extreme case. I would guess in most other cases, the complexity could be hidden by defaults to preserve existing behavior.

In some ways, what we're really trying to do is define for a given task what directory it should be working within. So maybe that is a better way of thinking of this. (adding that configure,compile,install would operate within B.)

Anyway, just a few thoughts from reading through this.




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