On 5/28/2011 2:16 AM, Koen Kooi wrote:

Op 28 mei 2011, om 00:13 heeft Elizabeth Flanagan het volgende geschreven:

Using python abstract syntax trees as a parser and an ast visitor class, I've
begun the first steps to being able to put some sanity to license selection.

One note. License modifiers have traditionally been limited to the "or greater"
modifier "+". I've added another modifier "with exceptions" for licenses that
have no generic ie common-licenses/GPL-2,0-with-GCC-exception

When building shadow I get:

and when building elfutils I get

ERROR: (file: 'do_populate_lic', lineno: 116, function: do_populate_lic)
ERROR: Function 'do_populate_lic' failed
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/kraj/work/slugos/build/tmp-slugos-eglibc/work/armv5te-oe-linux-gnueabi/elfutils-0.148-r2/temp/log.do_populate_lic.31784
Log data follows:
| WARNING: /home/kraj/work/slugos/openembedded-core/meta/files/common-licenses | ERROR: Error executing a python function in /home/kraj/work/slugos/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/elfutils/elfutils_0.148.bb:
|   File "<unknown>", line 1
|     ( 'GPLv2' & 'Exception' )
|    ^
| IndentationError: unexpected indent
| ERROR: The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
| ERROR:   File "do_populate_lic", line 121, in <module>
| ERROR:   File "do_populate_lic", line 116, in do_populate_lic
| ERROR:   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ast.py", line 37, in parse
| ERROR:     return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST)
| ERROR: The code that was being executed was:
| ERROR:      0117:    v = LicenseVisitor()
| ERROR:      0118:    v.visit(node)
| ERROR:      0119:
| ERROR:      0120:
| ERROR:  *** 0121:do_populate_lic(d)
| ERROR:      0122:
| ERROR: (file: 'do_populate_lic', lineno: 121, function: <module>)
| ERROR:      0112:            clean_licenses += "'" + x + "'"
| ERROR:      0113:        else:
| ERROR:      0114:            clean_licenses += " " + x + " "
| ERROR:      0115:
| ERROR:  *** 0116:    node = ast.parse(clean_licenses)
| ERROR:      0117:    v = LicenseVisitor()
| ERROR:      0118:    v.visit(node)
| ERROR:      0119:
| ERROR:      0120:
| ERROR: (file: 'do_populate_lic', lineno: 116, function: do_populate_lic)
| ERROR: Function 'do_populate_lic' failed
NOTE: package elfutils-0.148-r2: task do_populate_lic: Failed

| ERROR: Error executing a python function in 
| RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
| ERROR: The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this 
exception/failure was:
| ERROR:   File "do_populate_lic", line 121, in<module>
| ERROR:   File "do_populate_lic", line 118, in do_populate_lic
| ERROR:   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/ast.py", line 243, in visit
| ERROR:     return visitor(node)
| ERROR:   File "do_populate_lic", line 13, in generic_visit

and a few hundred more lines, I had to change the scrollback buffer from 512 
lines to unlimited to catch this :) I can send the full log on request.
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