On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 12:52 +0100, Richard Purdie wrote:
> Options
> =======
> a) We could introduce some kind of suffix variable ${PKGSFX} which would
> contain the variant, maybe in conjuction with BPN instead of PN:
> FILES_${BPN}-dev${PKGSFX} = "x"
> This has the downside of having to touch the whole metadata and it looks
> ugly.

In OE-lite, we have tried out this option a.  It works out pretty well,
but is ugly, and does to some degree make it more complex to manage
simple recipe meta-data.

For this reason, next OE-lite version will transition to something more
like the option b you suggest.

> b) We could try and remap all the variables at BBCLASSEXTEND time. This
> would mean remapping PACKAGES and renaming all the package specific

In next OE-lite version, I have introduce something called "recipe
type", which is nothing else than the name from "BBCLASSEXEND", or
"machine" for default recipe type.

When resolving dependencies, I have introduced a recipe type context.
One for DEPENDS for each recipe type, and one for RDEPENDS for the
recipe types that is relevant for run-time dependency handling.

In recipe meta-data, you can fx. say

DEPENDS = "libncurses native:libtool"

Based on the recipe type context, the "libncurses" is prefixed with the
recipe type of the context, fx. "machine:libncurses" for machine recipe

To further simplify recipe meta-data, I have introduced some generic
prefix aliases.  I have "host" and "target", and "host-cross" and
"target-cross", which is then mapped to the proper recipe type based on
the context.

This seems to work out very nicely.  I seems effective in reducing the
need for recipe type specfic overrides of DEPENDS variables, and makes
recipe meta-data much easier to read IMHO.

Of-course, OE-lite does only have package based dependencies, and I
haven't given any thought to how this would work out for OE's recipe
based build dependencies.

But perhaps it would also be a good choice for OE.

> I knew were were going to have to read through some of those variables
> and remap the dependencies but having to totally move them into new
> namespaces is a scary thought (but still possible).

Hehe.  In danish, we have a saying: "Hvo intet vover, intet vinder",
which I belive is something like "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" in

> c) Switch to prepending to PN. This would only break cases where we have
> packages which don't start with ${PN} of which there are comparatively
> few. We could make the simplifying assumption that all PACKAGES start
> with ${PN} meaning that all manipulations would be simple prepends. If
> we do this, problems i) and ii) above are no longer an issue.
> Discussion
> ==========
> I don't think option a) above is viable and the current plan implies
> we'd do b) but its extremely ugly. I'm therefore tempted to look more
> seriously at c). The bigger issues would appear to be:
> * It breaks with convention/tradition for OE (xxx-native vs native:xxx)
> * It would add the constraint of packaging starting with ${PN}
> * It would require changes to the likes of debian.bbclass to account 
>   for package prefixes when performing auto renaming
> * It would break a small set of the metadata where packages don't start 
>   with ${PN} (although the class could simply refuse to extend these 
>   automatically).

Looking into the future, wouldn't it make most sense to use the solution
broadly in OE, to avoid making it even harder to get started with OE?

> Things to consider:
> * Would we just do this for multilibs or would we transition native 
>   recipes to the new style of naming? We don't have PACKAGES problems 
>   for native recipes.
> * Likewise, would nativesdk transition? Is has more PACKAGES problems 
>   so likely yes, it would make sense to transition.
> * Would we stick with "-" as a delimiter or switch to something like 
>   ":"?

I decided to switch from "-" to ":", to allow robust translation of
non-prefixed dependency names.

> Thoughts/suggestions/better ideas welcome...



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