Richard Purdie wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-07-04 at 20:02 +0800, Cui, Dexuan wrote:
>> Richard Purdie wrote:
>>> For reference if you want to do suspend to disk (swap) you need a
>>> lot of swap space btw. Still no where near that much though!
>> Does (or should )Yocto Linux support suspend-to-disk? I'm not sure
>> about this. BTW: Linux can alse use a regular file as swap area.
>> So in case the swap size is not enough (e.g., for suspend-to-disk), I
>> think a user could create a big enough file  to meet the need (I
>> didn't test this with Linux yet).
> I don't think we've supported it in the past, its just a datapoint to
> keep in mind.
Ok, so I can put a comment when I make the patch, saying this new algorithm 
doesn't work with suspend-to-disk in future.

> For reference, you can't use a file easily since the VM data needs to
> be available as the kernel boots to be able to resume from it.
I admit I didn't try this on Linux.
Windows does use a regular file when doing suspend-to-disk, so I thought Linux 
could do it, too...  :-)

-- Dexuan
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