Saul Wold wrote on 2011-07-22:
> There seems to be a compile issue with this patch.
> For an X86 Build
> fatal error: uuid/uuid.h: No such file or directory | compilation
Hi Saul,
Sorry! We didn't do enough test...

Lianhao and I have got the causes of the failures.
This uuid.h issue is due to the lackness of util-linux in DEPENDS -- the new 
tcf-agent code introduces the dependency.
> And then for an ARM build:
> services/dwarfframe.c | In file included from framework/cpudefs.c:33:0:
> | ././machine/cpudefs-ext.h:23:26: fatal error: cpudefs-mdep.h: No |
> such file or directory | compilation terminated. | make: ***
The new tcf-agent code by default enables some services we don't actually need, 
and the they cause the ARM build failure.
We added the following to fix the issue:
+CFLAGS += "-DSERVICE_RunControl=0 -DSERVICE_Breakpoints=0 \
+    -DSERVICE_Memory=0 -DSERVICE_Registers=0 -DSERVICE_MemoryMap=0 \
+    -DSERVICE_StackTrace=0 -DSERVICE_Symbols=0 -DSERVICE_LineNumbers=0 \
+    -DSERVICE_Expressions=0"

Below is the new commit(in the same branch dcui/tcf-agent)

Currently Lianhao and I are doing more testing and will report back asap.

-- Dexuan

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