On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 6:12 PM, Alex Stewart <alex.stew...@ni.com> wrote:
> * Move the hwclock.sh initscript from the busybox recipe to util-linux.
>   This script is generally useful for distros that get their hwclock
>   implementation from sources other than busybox and we follow debian's
>   example by providing it in util-linux.

The script now is an independent unit and as such, it should be not
using the busybox or util-linux on its name. Please move it to
hwclock-init and adjust both to depend on it. It can be in
meta/recipes-core/hwclock/hwclock-init.bb and I'd add a comment in the
recipe explaining why it has been split out.

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
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