On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 8:29 PM, Ni Qingliang
<niqingli...@insigma.com.cn> wrote:
> Hello, All:
>        I'm working on opensaf, wrote a bb file for it,
> and found that the FILES_${PN} has included /usr/lib/${PN}/*.
> but there are some .a and .so(symlink) in /usr/lib/${PN}, which will
> result QA issue.
>        how to exclude some files (e.g. *.a, *.so) in FILES_${PN}?
>        there are some elf in /usr/lib/${PN} whose prefix is not 'lib', so if
> no 'exclude' feature, I must redefine FILES_${PN} like this:
>        FILES_${PN} = "/usr/lib/${PN}/*.so.* \
>                       /usr/lib/${PN}/saf* \
>                       /usr/lib/${PN}/open* \
>                       /usr/lib/${PN}/immload \
>                       /usr/lib/${PN}/nid_tipc \
>                       /usr/lib/${PN}/smf* \
>                       /usr/lib/${PN}/clc-cli/*"

Explicitly list what you want in FILES_${PN}

FILES_${PN} = /usr/lib/${PN}/saf

Make another PACKAGE for other files

PACKAGES =+ ${PN}-misc
FILES_${PN}-misc = /usr/lib/${PN}/saf

Maybe someone else can chime in if there is a way to mask certain files...

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