> > Wouldn't it be a bit overkill to add a new class just to handle SRC_URI? I 
> > would think it would just be a little extra code inside
> write_latest_srcrev.
> Ordinarily I'd say yes.  But RP had concerns that these changes add up and
> unless everyone wants them it could prove to be a maintenance problem.  At the
> time he wanted a system for people to opt in to new functionality.  (I'm not
> trying to speak for him, just repeating what I was told when I asked him a
> similar question.)   In my case though I was suggesting much more 
> functionality
> then just this one item.

Makes sense. I definitely like the idea of the automatic changelog.

For now, as a quick prototype of the basic functionality (capturing SRC_URI), I 
will do as the bbclass suggests and extend BUILDHISTORY_PRESERVE.

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