We are happy to inform everyone that tickets to the inaugural
OpenEmbedded Workshop are now on sale.  Early bird tickets are
available for 1/3rd off regular price.  Also, we are offering a
"Supporter Ticket".  This is for those who are able to contribute more
to help support OpenEmbedded, and/or would like to see more events
similar to this in the future.
Both of these can be purchased at

Get your tickets now, as we expect these to sellout quickly.  Also,
early bird pricing ends on December 31st.

Finally, there are still a few slots open for Speakers.  If you have a
talk you would like to give, go to
CFP deadline is December 15th.

More information on the OpenEmbedded Workshop can be found at

Thank you,
The OpenEmbedded Board
Openembedded-core mailing list

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