was writing up a wiki page for colleagues at my current gig about
the proper definition of systemd services, and noticed the following

  in current poky master branch, openssh recipe, SRC_URI includes the
following two lines:

  file://sshd@.service \
  file://sshdgenkeys.service \

fair enough, two systemd services. however, further down the recipe
file, only one of them is included in:

  SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN}-sshd = "sshd.socket"

so what happened to the service sshdgenkeys? ah, if one looks in the
files being installed by openssh for that string:

$ grep sshdgenkeys *

  so i am *assuming* that even though sshdgenkeys is an actual systemd
service, it will only be invoked via the sshd service or socket units,
and therefore does not need to be included in SYSTEMD_PACKAGES.

  is that the right interpretation? or am i missing something?

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