On 14.12.21 19:38, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
On Tue, Dec 14, 2021 at 1:05 PM Konrad Weihmann <kweihm...@outlook.com> wrote:


    6: Upstream-Status: Inappropriate [oe-core specific]

or are simply ignoring it at all.

In total that are 352 patches I could indentify in latest master.

I don't want to open up another can of worms, but either we drop the
reasoning from Inappropriate in the patch guideline completely or we
need to fix that in core (I guess in other layers it is even worse :) )

Any thoughts?

If we can opt out of the check either in a layer config or a recipe,
then the noise can at least be minimized. Since the ecosystem !=
oe-core, this level of checking needs to be something that can be
opted-out / disabled.

Whatever way this goes, I'd suggest that it not merge until the start
of the new year .. luckily RP is in full control of when it merges.

Because I for one, won't be spending the Chrismtas holidays queuing
other people's patches, or fixing status lines in the patches in my
layers :)



Actually a very good idea, but I'm not sure how fine grained we want these package-qa ids to be... @RP any thoughts?

Basically we can solve the issue either
- by keeping the status quo (dropping the reason from the docu)
- or having is according to docu
        - having it as a warning in the first place
- turning it into an error once we are clean in core and all layers hosted on yocto project's infra

But yeah sure that patch doesn't need to go in this year, as I don't want to ruins everyone's holidays :-)

On 14.12.21 18:53, Konrad Weihmann wrote:
if a patch uses Upstream-Status: Inappropriate it should provide a machine
readable reasoning in square brackets.

According to latest wiki entry that would be

not author
enable feature
disable feature
bugfix .*
embedded specific
no upstream

a detailed reasoning could be provided as part of the commit message,
but format of the metadata line is fixed.

This patch adds a check to insane.bbclass and warns if there is a
non-compliant reasoning given, or none at all.

In a follow-up this should be turned into an error, as it was done
with missing Upstream-Status

Signed-off-by: Konrad Weihmann <kweihm...@outlook.com>
   meta/classes/insane.bbclass | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
   1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 240f3aad62..da26f4662c 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -1191,6 +1191,26 @@ python do_qa_patch() {
                  bb.error("Malformed Upstream-Status in patch\n%s\nPlease correct 
according to %s :\n%s" % (fullpath, guidelines, match_kinda.group(0)))
                  bb.error("Missing Upstream-Status in patch\n%s\nPlease add 
according to %s ." % (fullpath, guidelines))
+       inappr_message_re = r'Inappropriate(\s+\[(?P<reason>.*)\])*'
+       inappr_reasons = [
+            'not author',
+            'native',
+            'licensing',
+            'configuration',
+            'enable feature',
+            'disable feature',
+            'bugfix .*',
+            'embedded specific',
+            'no upstream',
+            'other',
+       ]
+       for match_inappr in re.finditer(inappr_message_re, content, 
+           if 'reason' not in match_inappr.groupdict():
+               bb.warning("Missing Upstream-Status: Inappropriate reasoning in 
patch\n%s\nPlease add according to %s ." % (fullpath, guidelines))
+           elif not any(re.match(x, match_inappr.groupdict().get('reason', '') 
or '') for x in inappr_reasons):
+               bb.warning("Malformed Upstream-Status: Inappropriate in 
patch\n%s\nPlease correct according to %s :\n%s" % (fullpath, guidelines, 

   python do_qa_configure() {

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