An interesting behavior struck me once more after a long long time.

 *** 0002:extend_recipe_sysroot(d)
File: '/layer/layer/poky/meta/classes/staging.bbclass', lineno: 584, function: extend_recipe_sysroot
     0580:                    if "/bin/" in l or "/sbin/" in l:
0581: # defer /*bin/* files until last in case they need libs
     0582:                        binfiles[l] = (targetdir, dest)
     0583:                    else:
*** 0584: staging_copyfile(l, targetdir, dest, postinsts, seendirs)
     0586:    # Handle deferred binfiles
     0587:    for l in binfiles:
     0588:        (targetdir, dest) = binfiles[l]
File: '/layer/layer/poky/meta/classes/staging.bbclass', lineno: 158, function: staging_copyfile
     0154:        os.symlink(linkto, dest)
     0155:        #bb.warn(c)
     0156:    else:
     0157:        try:
 *** 0158:  , dest)
     0159:        except OSError as err:
     0160:            if err.errno == errno.EXDEV:
     0161:                bb.utils.copyfile(c, dest)
     0162:            else:
Exception: FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/build/tmp/sysroots-components/x86_64/some/path/to/some/deeply/nested/file' -> '/build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/some-recipe/1.0-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/some/path/to/some/deeply/nested/file'

This happens in rare case when doing a differential build o a recipe with hundreds or thousands of native dependencies.

The file mentioned is pretty much random and it's unique (no duplicates among all the dependencies when it comes to filename+path).

So far I helped myself with ignoring this error by adding

        except FileExistsError:

to staging - I wonder if anyone else ever seen this behavior and what's the best way to deal with it

What comes to my mind is

- ignoring it - but then no one can be sure it's the right file
- falling back to the OSError/EXDEV path and copying over the file requested
- a 3rd option

Any thoughts?

(Just to be sure, this happens like once in a thousand builds and only on differential builds)
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