On 03/01/2012 06:06 PM, Gary Thomas wrote:
As far as I can recall (which is a really long time), 'date' has always
wanted the format MMDDHHmm[YYYY], so I think that's what we should
That format doesn't compare easily which is why the timestamp was
(not by me) to a more ISO standard YYYYMMDDHHmm. If busybox has 64-bit
math enabled, then this can be compared with no problems, it just has
to be munged into the format 'date' wants.

So we can have compat and 64-bit math and have it properly behaving?

Yes, I believe so. I'll work up the patch and test it now.

It might be very helpful for other developers if 64-bit math requirement of busybox would be documented somewhere.


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