On Thu, 2024-01-25 at 22:41 +0100, Alexander Kanavin wrote:
> Initial release of Ubuntu 18.04 had 4.15 alright. Later point releases 
> offered much newer kernels. It’s also altogether EOL since end of may 2023.
> Why should oe-core carry these? It’s RP’s call as qemu maintainer but my vote 
> is a firm no, unless additional arguments are put forward.

I had talked a bit with Mark about this issue and in the end I did
suggest sending the patch as the issue is a tricky one and it is
something we should really think about. At the very least it is worth
documenting and understanding the implications as it isn't easy to see
all the implications straight away.

The challenge is that the generated SDKs may end up running on
older/interesting systems and it is mostly pure luck we haven't hit
this. We do still have one 18.04 autobuilder system, albeit with a
slightly newer kernel version without this issue. Our "normal" sanity
checks don't cover it either.

I'm still unsure if we plan to merge the patch or not.



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