On Thu, 2024-02-29 at 13:29 -0600, Mark Hatle wrote:
> There are plenty of systems where we don't want package-management
> enabled by default.  This will just make core-image-full-cmdline less
> useful there.
> In the past, it's always been up to the user to enable full package-
> management in their configuration, default has been to not have it
> present.  Has this changed?

Of our images, many of them already enable package-management including
core-image-sato (and derivatives like sdk), core-image-x11, core-image-
weston and build-appliance. In that sense, core-image-full-cmdline was
an outlier.

Whilst it does add some dependencies and metadata it doesn't add that
much overall. This big win for this is that it then lets us test image
upgrades with the artefact built as part of the release artefacts.

That testing does make sense with full-cmdline so bringing it slightly
more into line with the other images seemed like the best/easiest
improvement for a big QA win.

Anyone not needing it can easily remove that feature as they would with
the others.



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