Pulled to the latest oe-core, bitbake and a few 3rd party layers this morning, to find that when I source oe-init-build-env the terminal I was sourcing in either crashes or exits.

I tested with both gnome-terminal and xterm, both produced the same behaviour.

Heading into a git bisect the apparent bad commit is: 07792e4a83ca4f1c8152c228813c7f795fa6a545 (scripts/oe-buildenv-internal bitbake: Migrate python version checks)

If it makes a difference the default python on my system is python3. My workflow is usually source oe-init-build-env, then I add a directory with a symlink to python2 at the beginning of my PATH, so the default python is python2.

Any help would be appreciated; holler if you need me to run any more tests.



  Jack Mitchell (j...@embed.me.uk)
  Embedded Systems Engineer

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