On 07/05/2013 04:39 PM, Martin Jansa wrote:
On Fri, Jul 05, 2013 at 02:07:28PM +0800, qi.c...@windriver.com wrote:
From: Chen Qi <qi.c...@windriver.com>

We may want to add a user or group which does not logically belong to
any specific package. For example, we may want to add a user with the
name 'tester' to our image. Besides, we may want to delete or modify
user/group in our image.

This patch adds a variable, USER_GROUP_SETTINGS, which is dedicated
to these tasks. The configuration format is detailed in the local.conf.
sample.extended file.

This patch also adds a function, set_user_group, which happens at
the end of the ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND. It handles the settings
in the USER_GROUP_SETTINGS variable.
Why not use extra package just with user?

See "[PATCH v3 0/5] Allow xuser to shutdown (cover letter only)"
I considered this approach (see https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4074 for more details), but I finally gave it up because of the following two reasons. 1) The users may not want to mess with bb files, as is the situation with our company's customers.
2) Configuring user/group through .conf file is more convenient.

I noticed Laurentiu's patch about xuser and shutdown, and I've read though it carefully.
The xuser is kind of special, as it's to some extend "common".

Best Regards,
Chen Qi
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