Hi Mark,

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 01:46:31PM -0600, Mark Hatle wrote:
> On 2/12/14, 12:54 PM, Laurentiu Palcu wrote:
> >For some odd reason (at least I couldn't find an explanation to this,
> >yet), if a multilib version of a package is installed after the main one
> >(that is: in a different smart session), the main package binaries are
> >not overwritten.
> For two packages with the same name, but different architectures --
> the non-ELF files must be identical (or different file names in each
> package.)
> The ELF files are identified by type and there is a resolution
> mechanism within RPM to determine which is the 'preferred' version.
> We do NOT have the resolution mechanism set, so the first package
> installed 'wins'.  So if you do two packages in two separate
> transactions, the first version installed will be kept.  If you do
> it in one transaction, then I believe it ends up being the last
> version [or maybe it's random due to sort order?]
> There is a Yocto Project defect to configure the RPM multilib
> settings, but so far it's just sat there, as nobody has either
> needed it -- or cared enough to implement it.
There are several rpm related multilib issues in bugzilla left hanging,
unfortunately. :|

> The reality is
> installed two packages with the same /bin, /sbin binaries is rare
> these days.. it's much more useful to install the libraries.
Apparently, the multilib test we currently have on AB is to install
lib32-connman-gnome and test the ELF class of the
/usr/bin/connman-applet binary...

> The code you have below may turn out to be a performance
> improvement.. (each smart/rpm transaction takes setup and cleanup
> time, so multiple transactions are slower then one larger
> transaction.)  But it's likely not fixing the actual problem you
> have.
True, this problem should be properly fixed. This patch, however, just
restores the behavior we already used in the old bash code which people
seemed to have used for a long time now.

> #       The default transaction color. This value is a set of bits to
> #       determine file and dependency affinity for this arch.
> #               0       uncolored (i.e. use only arch as install hint)
> #               1       Elf32 permitted
> #               2       Elf64 permitted
> #               4       MIPS reserved
> %_transaction_color     3
> (4 BTW is MIPS64 - n32)
> _transaction_color of 3 indicates we allow Elf32 and Elf64 to be installed..
> There is a second item:
> _prefer_color that is used to define which item should be installed
> when there is that ELF conflict.  The numbers above follow there as
> well.  By default I believe it sets itself to '2' when doing a
> single transaction installed, preferring Elf64.
If these parameters (_transaction_color and _prefer_color) can be easily
set before each transaction, I suppose we could alter them accordingly,
depending on the type of packages we're going to install. Doesn't seem
very complicated, in theory...


> --Mark
> >This commit restores the functionality to the original one, before
> >migrating to python: feed all the packages to smart, apart from attempt
> >only ones which are installed separately.
> >
> >Signed-off-by: Laurentiu Palcu <laurentiu.pa...@intel.com>
> >---
> >  meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py |   16 ++++++++++++----
> >  1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> >
> >diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py b/meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py
> >index b6baf77..9162e52 100644
> >--- a/meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py
> >+++ b/meta/lib/oe/rootfs.py
> >@@ -317,10 +317,18 @@ class RpmRootfs(Rootfs):
> >
> >          self.pm.update()
> >
> >-        for pkg_type in self.install_order:
> >-            if pkg_type in pkgs_to_install:
> >-                self.pm.install(pkgs_to_install[pkg_type],
> >-                                [False, True][pkg_type == "aop"])
> >+        pkgs = []
> >+        pkgs_attempt = []
> >+        for pkg_type in pkgs_to_install:
> >+            if pkg_type == Manifest.PKG_TYPE_ATTEMPT_ONLY:
> >+                pkgs_attempt = pkgs_to_install[pkg_type]
> >+                continue
> >+
> >+            pkgs += pkgs_to_install[pkg_type]
> >+
> >+        self.pm.install(pkgs)
> >+
> >+        self.pm.install(pkgs_attempt, True)
> >
> >          self.pm.install_complementary()
> >
> >
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