I would be happy about comments on our barebox recipe and provide a story for it to be moved into OE-core:

The barebox is a bootloader created by and for kernel developers. Its system design and user interface is kept in close relation to the linux kernel. It has support for arm/blackfin/mips/ppc/x86... Most of the supported boards are current arm SoCs. As seen on
the community is very active with 1801 commits from 66 contributors in the last year (u-boot:3547/319). It gets maintained by pengutronix a big linux kernel contributor from Germany. Currently, as far as I can see, only freescale supports barebox in the meta-fsl-arm bsp layer. As barebox is used by many arm SoC board vendors, e.g. we here at phytec.de use barebox, the missing support in OE-core could be one reason to see few public bsp layers to be pushed. Its the most crucial part of the bsp. We maintain our own version of the barebox recipe at the moment. It would be helpful to see it becoming mainline in OE-core as this could create some traction towards including barebox support in more bsp layers, as a lot of machines are supported by barebox. Maybe there is a better place to put it in, or a better way of implementing it, as David already said.
Anyway, I hope this recipe will be helpful for someone.

Regards, Stefan
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