On 01/07/2015 05:23 PM, Mike Looijmans wrote:
On 01/07/2015 09:07 AM, Richard Purdie wrote:
On Tue, 2015-01-06 at 17:07 -0800, Robert Yang wrote:
We should not ship .pyc or .pyo file, but there are a few packages
ship .pyc, should we:

Why should we not ship them? Doesn't python create these at runtime if
they're not present? What happens on a read only filesystem?

You definitely SHOULD ship the .pyc files. If they don't exist, the interpreter
is forced to re-compile the .py source, and will attempt to write the result to
the filesystem. It won't cause harm, it won't fail, but it's very inefficient.
It's better to let the host do the py->pyc conversion anyway.

AFAIK, the .pyc is not version compatible, the .pyc created with the
build host's python may not work with the target python.

// Robert

The opposite works just fine: You can omit the .py files and ship only .pyc
files. We do that on settopboxes that use Python for the GUI, this saves several
megabytes of flash space.
To accomplish that, we put the .py files into a $PN-src package.

There has been general agreement that .pyo files are utterly pointless.

I'm sure we've had issues raised by someone with a read only filesystem
before FWIW.

I agree there is probably an issue here but deleting them may not be the
best option. I'm open to ideas though.

My idea would be to standardize on shipping ONLY compiled files, and put the
source .py files into a separate package named $PN-src by default. There is no
need to install megabytes of python source files that neither users nor the
interpreter will ever read.

Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

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