2015-01-26 14:42 GMT+01:00 Nathan Lynch <nathan_ly...@mentor.com>:
> On 01/25/2015 09:33 AM, Max Krummenacher wrote:
>> From: Max Krummenacher <max.oss...@gmail.com<>
>> Hi
>> On a OE setup configured to build ptest packages udev's ptest test files are
>> staged to the sysroot.
>> A run of qemu chockes on this test files and never returns.
>> A ptest run on the target before any changes failed.
>> Patch 1/2 first fixes ptest.
>> Patch 2/2 keeps the test files in its tar-ball. run-ptest unpacks it before
>> a test and cleans up afterwards.
>> This fixes the issues with qemu while the ptests can still be run witout
>> failure.
> This looks relevant to
> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6734
> do_rootfs: The postinstall intercept hook 'update_pixbuf_cache' failed
I did not specifically look for the update_pixbuf_cache postinstalls.
Nontheless from the bug description I think the patch likely fixes
A cheap test on an affected build is to:
 rm -rf ..../sysroots/<machine>/usr/lib/udev/ptest
If that fixes the issue the patch will help.

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