
On my developer machine the cve-check ran ok for dizzy but on build server
with sstate-cache and rmwork enabled it failed with what looks like a race
condition when scanning the patch files:

17:45:36 ERROR: Error executing a python function in 
17:45:36 The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this 
exception/failure was:
17:45:36 File: 'do_cve_check', lineno: 17, function: <module>
17:45:36      0013:    else:
17:45:36      0014:        bb.note("Failed to update CVE database, skipping CVE 
17:45:36      0015:
17:45:36      0016:
17:45:36  *** 0017:do_cve_check(d)
17:45:36      0018:
17:45:37 File: 'do_cve_check', lineno: 8, function: do_cve_check
17:45:37      0004:    Check recipe for patched and unpatched CVEs
17:45:37      0005:    """
17:45:37      0006:
17:45:37      0007:    if os.path.exists(d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_TMP_FILE", True)):
17:45:37  *** 0008:        patched_cves = get_patches_cves(d)
17:45:37      0009:        patched, unpatched = check_cves(d, patched_cves)
17:45:37      0010:        if patched or unpatched:
17:45:37      0011:            cve_data = get_cve_info(d, patched + unpatched)
17:45:37      0012:            cve_write_data(d, patched, unpatched, cve_data)
17:45:37 File: 'cve-check.bbclass', lineno: 13, function: get_patches_cves
17:45:37      0009:    cve_match = re.compile("CVE:( CVE\-\d+\-\d+)+")
17:45:37      0010:    patched_cves = set()
17:45:37      0011:    for url in src_patches(d):
17:45:37      0012:        patch_file = bb.fetch.decodeurl(url)[2]
17:45:37  *** 0013:        with open(patch_file, "r") as f:
17:45:37      0014:            patch_text = f.read()
17:45:37      0015:
17:45:37      0016:        # Search for the "CVE: " line
17:45:37      0017:        match = cve_match.search(patch_text)
17:45:37 Exception: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 
17:45:37 ERROR: Function failed: do_cve_check

So could this be caused by cve-check changes or is this just a side effect
of some other recipe problems?

I could not see that kind of fixes in master.

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