On Fri, 2016-06-03 at 13:01 +0300, Ovidiu-Adrian Vancea wrote:
> From: Ovidiu Vancea <ovidiu.van...@ni.com>
> Updating the kernel ("opkg install kernel") does not update the
> dependencies (i.e. modules) because there is no possibility to do
> version
> enforcement in the OE recipe. Upon rebooting, the older version
> modules
> do not load and can leave hardware in a non-functioning state (if
> their
> drivers are not built into the kernel).
> Use the Version field from the kernel package on its rdepends,
> rrecommends,
> and rsuggests fields’ version. This makes the packages on which the
> kernel
> depends to be the same version as the kernel.
> Version field contains package build number (including git hash) and
> package
> revision, thus restricting the kernel and modules to always be built
> together.

Doesn't this make the system behave differently between the different
package backends? That is something we really don't want to do. 

Either all package backends have/need this dependency or none do, we
don't want different behaviours without good reason.


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