On 05/22/2017 10:29 AM, Martin Kelly wrote:
(friendly ping)

On 05/02/2017 12:20 PM, Martin Kelly wrote:
Currently, the qemu CPUs for are specified as generic, but the built
artifacts are not. For example, we build x86-64 artifacts targeting
core2duo but run them in qemu with generic qemu/kvm CPUs. This causes
some packages that take advantage of the host architecture to crash
because they try to use CPU features not advertised by qemu. As an
example, Qt uses ssse3. When artifacts linked against Qt and built
targeting core2duo attempt to run on a generic qemu/kvm CPU, we get
the following crash:

Incompatible processor. This Qt build requires the following features:

We could fix this by making packages like Qt not take advantage of CPU
features. However, we will probably keep facing similar issues over
time, so it's better to resolve them in a more enduring way.

If the MACHINE is a generic qemu, it seems more correct to build without the extensions. For instance, what happens when core2duo doesn't have all the necessary instructions that some package decided to use?

I like the idea of being able to exercise the code, but I only see this fix as pushing the maintenance until the problem appears again later.

Fix this by making the qemu -cpu arguments match the built artifacts.

Signed-off-by: Martin Kelly <mke...@xevo.com>

I sent this to p...@yoctoproject.org but it should have gone to OE-core,
so I'm resending it now to restart the discussion on the right mailing
list. There were some comments about it in a previous mail thread on the
poky mailing list:


 meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc b/meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc
index 06ac983..acd03a1 100644
--- a/meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc
+++ b/meta/conf/machine/include/qemuboot-x86.inc
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 # For runqemu
 IMAGE_CLASSES += "qemuboot"
 QB_SYSTEM_NAME_x86 = "qemu-system-i386"
-QB_CPU_x86 = "-cpu qemu32"
-QB_CPU_KVM_x86 = "-cpu kvm32"
+QB_CPU_x86 = "-cpu pentium2"
+QB_CPU_KVM_x86 = "-cpu pentium2"

 QB_SYSTEM_NAME_x86-64 = "qemu-system-x86_64"
 QB_CPU_x86-64 = "-cpu core2duo"
-QB_CPU_KVM_x86-64 = "-cpu kvm64"
+QB_CPU_KVM_x86-64 = "-cpu core2duo"

 QB_AUDIO_DRV = "alsa"
 QB_AUDIO_OPT = "-soundhw ac97,es1370"

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