On 01/06/2010 08:25 AM, saleh usman wrote:

I've built console-image for omap5912osk machine but I am facing problem in 
using output.There are four folders named all, armv5te, i686, omap5912osk in 
/temp/deploy/glibc/ipk.and so many ipk files in these folders.
Which files exactly I should use to run the output on my target platform and 
how to run these files.
Wheather to install these files, any other package  or directly run them just 
by typing their names.
linux is running on ARM9 GPP of machine ,should I take care of u-boot, kernel 
version or
anything else to run generated output on my target platform

Start with the files in tmp/deploy/glibc/images/<platform>
There you should find the kernel (uImage) and file system.  Depending
on your configuration, there may be multiple choices for the file
system ranging from a raw tar file to JFFS2 or UBI images.  Which
you choose and how you deploy them are up to you (and are target
platform dependent)

For example, when running an image on the BeagleBoard (OMAP3530),
I put the kernel (uImage) and unpack the tar.bz2 file system to
an SD card and boot from that.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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