On 04/17/2012 09:13 AM, J. L. wrote:


I went for a build on the borrowed machine again but this time I did not go into X just stayed in RL3. Then ran bitbake perl, on a clean build dir. It is just about to finish building a few steps away but where I normally get the segfaults, it has not spit those out. There are no QA logs being generated either. So looks like it had/has something to do with running X, both systems are running nvidia graphics cards. The laptop has a new mobile one, borrowed an old one that is nouveau compatible. So both open and closed nvidia drivers were tried. But something when in the graphical environment is giving the segfault issues I have been seeing. I have not yet verified if killing X on the laptop builds and eliminates the issues as well.

Will post back once I have built the kernel on both machines with no X running.

Thank you
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