Op 13 mrt. 2014, om 12:54 heeft Paul Eggleton <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> 
het volgende geschreven:

> On Thursday 13 March 2014 12:17:40 Koen Kooi wrote:
>> Op 13 mrt. 2014, om 12:14 heeft Paul Eggleton 
> <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> het volgende geschreven:
>>> On Thursday 13 March 2014 12:09:21 Koen Kooi wrote:
>>>> Op 13 mrt. 2014, om 11:45 heeft Paul Eggleton
>>> <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>> On Thursday 13 March 2014 10:59:38 Koen Kooi wrote:
>>>>>> Tomas Novotny schreef op 13-03-14 10:08:
>>>>>>> there is a recipe sunxi-board-fex in meta-sunxi layer. That recipe
>>>>>>> fetches sources from unversioned git which contains definitions of
>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>> boards (in fact it is something like a store). I'm not sure with
>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>> versioning in OE. Is that: PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}" SRCREV =
>>>>>>> "<some_gitrev_I_want>" correct? Will be change of SRCREV (only)
>>>>>>> catched
>>>>>>> by build system (I'm curious how OE handles age of the rev in git)? Or
>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>> I need to raise PV to 1.1 and so on with every change to SRCREV?
>>>>>> The answer changes if you have more than one buildhost. If you have
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> one buildhost and don't care about other people rebuilding the exact
>>>>>> same versions, 1.0+git${SRCPV} will work.
>>>>>> If you have more than one buildhost and/or care about other people
>>>>>> rebuilding the exact same, you'll need to increase PR (or PV) everytime
>>>>>> SRCREV changes. That will still cause some discrepancies if someone
>>>>>> rebuilds after >1 SRCREV change, but upgrade paths should work when
>>>>>> increasing PV (not with PR!).
>>>>> Why not with PR?
>>>> because SRCPV in in PV, not PR
>>> Right, but if you're using the PR server, that also stores the
>>> incrementing
>>> number at the start of SRCPV; PR may also increment when SRCREV changes as
>>> well (not sure on the latter). The PR server ought to be used if you care
>>> about this sort of thing.
>> Only if your PR server is publicly available *and* you have network access
>> during the build. There is currently no workable way to get versioning info
>> to users trying to rebuild something. The closest I've been to a solution
>> is to ship prserv-tool exports in git.
> If you're saying you want something that doesn't require network access, gets 
> the right answer for all users *and* automatically increments when something 
> changes - those are conflicting requirements...

I know, that's why putting SRCPV in PV instead of PR is such a massive pain :/
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