On 09/11/2014 05:28 PM, Robert Yang wrote:

On 09/11/2014 01:08 AM, Mike Looijmans wrote:
Wouldn't it be a LOT more constructive to fix the bashism. I fail to
see the
virtue in adding 2MB of "bash" to an embedded system just for a text echo
statement that no-one will actually read unless they hook up a serial
console to
their TV set or so.

The problem is that there are more bashism, here is the full list:

possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 39 ('function' is
function start() {
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 52 ([^] should be [!]):
         elif ([ -f /proc/modules ] && lsmod) | grep -q autofs[^4]
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 88 ('function' is
function stop() {
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 89 ($"foo" should be
eval_gettext "foo"):
         echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 92 (should be >word
                 killall -TERM $prog >& /dev/null
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 105 ('function' is
function restart() {
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 113 ('function' is
function reload() {
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 116 ($"foo" should be
eval_gettext "foo"):
                 echo $"$prog not running"
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 120 ($"foo" should be
eval_gettext "foo"):
                 echo $"Reloading maps"
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 150 ($"foo" should be
eval_gettext "foo"):
                 echo $"Usage: $0

// Robert

I put the following in a bbappend to work around the bashism, this was enough to make the scripts work just fine with busybox's shell:

# Remove bash scripting from init script (meaning, remove "function"
# from each shell function)
do_configure_prepend () {
        for bashfile in redhat/autofs.init.in samples/rc.autofs.in
                sed -i 's.#!/bin/bash.#!/bin/sh.' $bashfile
                sed -i 's/^function //g' $bashfile

I wanted to point to the commit on sourceforge, but the site is unresponsive at the moment.

On 9-9-2014 18:27, Robert Yang wrote:
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 116 ($"foo" should be
eval_gettext "foo"):
                 echo $"$prog not running"
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 120 ($"foo" should be
eval_gettext "foo"):
                 echo $"Reloading maps"
possible bashism in autofs/etc/init.d/autofs line 150 ($"foo" should be
eval_gettext "foo"):
                 echo $"Usage: $0

Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <liezhi.y...@windriver.com>
  .../recipes-daemons/autofs/autofs_5.1.0.bb         |    1 +
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/meta-networking/recipes-daemons/autofs/autofs_5.1.0.bb
index aab2187..06ee77b 100644
--- a/meta-networking/recipes-daemons/autofs/autofs_5.1.0.bb
+++ b/meta-networking/recipes-daemons/autofs/autofs_5.1.0.bb
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ LICENSE = "GPL-2.0"

  DEPENDS += "libtirpc flex-native bison-native"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} += "bash"

  inherit autotools-brokensep systemd

Mike Looijmans
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