
On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Robert Varga <> wrote:

> On 05/02/2016 11:52 PM, Abhijit Kumbhare wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> [snip]
> > This will require some change by the dependent projects (some
> > modifications in the dependency declaration in the pom files) - however
> > it will be less change than a complete migration to the topology model.
> > *If you have any thoughts about the change - please provide your
> thoughts*.
> >
> > We inside of OpenFlow Plugin project like this change (as opposed to the
> > inventory to topology model migration change for which there were no
> > volunteers due to the effort and lack of obvious benefits).
> I have to disagree on the 'lack of benefits' part. Having aligned base
> models is critical for end user experience. The topology model is
> implemented by multiple SB plugins to expose exactly the same semantics
> as the inventory model.

Abhijit>> I mentioned "lack of obvious benefits" rather than "lack of
benefits" :).

> From modeling perspective, the inventory model is a strict subset of
> concepts expressed in the topology model.
> Keeping two models for the same thing is pure overhead from maintenance
> and interoperability point of view.
> The inventory model must be eliminated if we ever hope to have any sort
> of consistence across SB plugins. This has been discussed and agreed
> multiple times, can we please stick to the plan?

Abhijit>> The biggest problem with this has been that no one seems to have
warmed up enough to the idea to start working on it - especially in Boron.
I myself will welcome it if there were folks working on it to make it

> Since there is a proposal to eliminate the OFP version-agnostic model
> (which is tied to topology via the new plugin), I think it would be very
> logical to attach the OFJ models to topology as a replacement and simple
> gradually desupport the inventory model -- old stuff works as long as
> old models do.

Abhijit>> I think what you are saying is - that we keep the inventory as-is
in Boron (due to no one picking up the work); and merge this as part of
cleanup of the OFP-OFJ models (assuming that proposal becomes a reality).
This sounds an interesting idea - I have added it as a bullet to the
proposal as a point of discussion. If this does not become a reality - then
we can come back to Anil's proposal.

> Thanks,
> Robert
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