On 26/05/18 05:26, Jenkins wrote:
> Attention openflowplugin-devs,
> Autorelease fluorine failed to build openflowplugin from openflowplugin in 
> build
> 96. Attached is a snippet of the error message related to the
> failure that we were able to automatically parse as well as console logs. 
> Console Logs:
> https://logs.opendaylight.org/releng/vex-yul-odl-jenkins-1/autorelease-release-fluorine/96

This looks like type safety confusion in the OFP test exposed by
MDSAL-45 intermediate patch.

https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/c/72331/ disables the codegen
change on mdsal side.

https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/72332 clears up the confusion, but
needs to be finished to pass validation.

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