We also have tony mccormick and xavier talking about OpenEMR.

Is Hoyt a OpenEMR user? It looks like we will probably have slots for him to
speak no matter what but I want to keep it to FOSS in healthcare, not IT in
healthcare. HIMSS/AMIA is for that....

Generally, I am planning on having 50 minute sessions. 30 minutes of talking
and 20 minutes of discussion. So your sessions would be

Tony McCormick

Not sure what Hoyt will talk about.
Dr Brody will be talking about CCHIT and FOSS specifically.

Your timeslots will not be sequential either , Dr. Brody specifically
requested that he speak on Friday....

I will try to bunch everyone else on Saturday though, if that is what you
want? Is that what you want?


On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 9:32 PM, sickleofzeus <drbo...@charter.net> wrote:

> --- In openhealth@yahoogroups.com, fred trotter <fred.trot...@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >             So we have just gotten 95% confirmation that the facilities
> for
> > FOSSHealth 09 (which happens at the end of the month) will be provided by
> > HAL-PC. http://www.hal-pc.org/
> > HAL-PC is the largest PC users group in the world. We will have space for
> > two tracks as well as a break room and (usually) a computer lab. The
> > office is right by the galleria mall.
> >
> > If you are a confirmed speaker this year, please reply to this email. I
> am
> > finalizing the speaking order and I do not want to forget anyone.
> > If you have constraints like you have to speak on a particular day, then
> > please include it here. Give us a one paragraph summary of your talks
> (great
> > advertising!!)
> > Generally, you should expect to talk for 50 minutes. However, your talk
> > length should be no more than 30 minutes. You should leave 20 minutes for
> > discussion and questions.
> > If this is not enough time, then let me know, I will see about getting
> you
> > an extra session. This is the first time when FOSS has been the focus of
> the
> > entire conference and that gives us some flexibility.
> > Please expect lots of chaos this year. It is our first year and we are
> just
> > learning the conference ropes.
> >
> >  If you are a sponsor, I am assuming that you will have at least two
> tracks
> > on your projects, one overview and one highly technical. I do not think I
> > have gotten checks from all of the sponsors, so if you could fix that, it
> > would be great.
> >
> > If you are an attendee, consider preparing a lighting talk. This is a
> five
> > minute talk on your choice, and we will try and have several lightning
> > sessions
> >
> > If you have not already signed up http://fosshealth.eventbrite.com/
> >
> > Thanks!!
> >
> > --
> > Fred Trotter
> > http://www.fredtrotter.com
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> Your Agenda has the OpenEMR scheduled for Saturday
> 10:00 - 12:00  Room 1
> I wanted to update you and make sure I am on track with my thinking.
> The OpenEMR group is to have a break out session from 10-12 on Saturday,
> August 1st.
> I think you wanted me to speak on the practical application of
> implementing an Electronic Health record in a physician's office?
> I have asked Robert Hoyt, Captain, USN, and professor of Health Care
> Informatics at University of West Florida, Pensacola to speak about what is
> known to be true about EHR what really does work and what we think works but
> doesn't.
> Dr. Michael Brody is also coming and is an experienced speaker.  Dr.
> Brody is a working physician, has experience with PHP and LAMP
> programming, and is a big open source proponent.  He holds seminars on
> HIPPA compliance.  Dr. Brody is a member of  HITSP has recently been
> named a physician member of CCHIT.  He is fresh off of the CCHIT meeting in
> Chicago and will have the freshest information on what is
> coming down the pipeline in terms of certification.
> We though we would break our time into 40 minute time slots, from 10:00 -
> 12:00
> Sincerely,
> Sam Bowen, MD

Fred Trotter

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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