
this is meant to drop a short notice about a new listing/platform of  
free/libre and open source software (FOSS) projects for the health  
care domain. Furthermore if I may ask I would be very much interested  
if this is of any use to you and if you have any comments or  
improvement suggestions.

I maintained a static list of medical FOSS projects for more than 2  
years and recently transformed it to a 'dynamic' platform that is  
available at http://medfoss.apfelkraut.org. Beside browsing the actual  
projects you can also find professional service providers,  
publications, events (yet to be added) and submit requests for yet  
nonexistent projects there - all in the context of FOSS in health care.

As I am operating this as a personal/private project in my spare time,  
I am looking forward to your additions. It is intended to be an open  
platform and everyone can submit new content.

Thank you & Best regards,

Holger Schmuhl

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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