On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 13:45, Sean Hefty wrote:
> If you have time.  I'll get to it if not.  I don't think this will be a 
> large change.

I think the signature for ib_free_recv_mad needs to add in a mad_agent
parameter as there is currently no need to know which mad_agent was
returning the buffers but there will be for the ref counting. Do you see
some other way to do this ?

Also, with this, I now see what you were saying about partially
reassembled (RMPP) receives. 

BTW, there are 2 comments in ib_unregister_mad_agent referring to both
of these:

/* Note that we could still be handling received MADs */

/* XXX: Cleanup pending RMPP receives for this agent */

-- Hal

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