Roland> I guess the problem with calling smi_handle_dr_smp_recv()
    Roland> twice on the same packet is that the function may alter
    Roland> the packet.

    Hal> No, the second call to smi_handle_dr_smp_recv() was on the
    Hal> outgoing response and not the incoming request. The thought
    Hal> was that a packet coming from process_mad is much like an
    Hal> incoming received packet and hence the call to
    Hal> smi_handle_dr_smp_recv. The routine validates the packet but
    Hal> also can do some fixups depending on which case it falls
    Hal> into. Guess it's only dangerous to validate this and wrong to
    Hal> fix it up.

Maybe I'm misreading the code, but my patch deleted the call to
smi_handle_dr_smp_recv() before the call to agent_send.  agent_send()
eventually ends up in ib_post_send_mad(), which calls
handle_outgoing_smp() for directed route MADs, which ends up calling
smi_handle_dr_smp_recv() again.  Since smi_handle_dr_smp_recv() can
change the packet, calling it twice on the same packet seems to break things.

However I don't think it's a good idea to think of responses generated
by process_mad as an incoming received packet.  I think they should be
thought of as returning DR SMPs being passed to the SMI for sending
(as in section 14.2.2 of the IB spec).

    Hal> The key to me is the following: The split of responsibility
    Hal> on the DR header formation is a little unclear to me. In the
    Hal> case of the SM, are the DR headers fully formed before
    Hal> handing it to the MAD layer or is some DR fixup needed ?

My suggestion would be to follow the IB spec, and assume that the SM
follows the SMP initialization in and have the MAD layer just
implement the SMI processing in  (And I believe things
should work similarly for responses generated by the SMA -- the MAD
layer should just do SMI processing).

 - R.
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