Roland Dreier wrote:

    Eitan> Results with - ERR 1B10: Provided Join State != FullMember
    Eitan> - required for create.  You can not create a group if you
    Eitan> are not a full member.

Right.  However, ScopeState is dumped as 0x1, which means bit 0 of
JoinState (the FullMember bit) is in fact set, so OpenSM should create
the group.

Here's the relevant code from opensm for extracting the join state and scope information:

*p_scope = (uint8_t)(scope_state & 0x0f);

tmp_scope_state = scope_state >> 4;
*p_state = (uint8_t)(tmp_scope_state &0x0f);

So, opensm has the join state and scope fields reversed within the byte. I guess at some point we'll need to go through opensm and verify that it's setting/extracting bit subfields properly.

- Sean
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