Hello Tziporet!
> I regret that some of the latest patches could not be included in the
final release, but the main issue was that the
> patches came too late.
Why didn't you tell me that when I reported you, Vladimir and Michael, also
via direct emails asking for help,
about the issues with ofed build procedure, ie. openib.spec and rpm build,
one week ago? Also when you asked
the group for release schedule and I told you about the issues?
> Please note:
> 1. ehca was added to OFED 1.1 in RC3, 31-Aug
> 2. Most user space issues raised by IBM were reported only on RC7, which
was supposed to be the final RC, with no more
> major changes.
> We nevertheless accepted patches that you submitted at that late phase
which affected only ehca. However, the patch
> in question (on the configure file for user space) touches ALL components
of the userspace build, and was a very large
> patch as well.  At that late date (2 days before final release!), it is
impossible to start testing a change of this
> magnitude on ALL platforms to verify that the change was not harmful.
No. As you can see and I explained clearly in previous emails the patch in
question is in libehca only.
For clarity again: The actual patch (libehca/configure.in and
libehca/config.h.in) adds 8 lines.
The other libehca/configure patch is a large file generated by the
packaing/build process
from Vladimir and is not part of as Michael pointed out.
The only reason you told us that they are non-blocking issues because ehca
is in preview tech state
and hence the patch is rejected.
> I agree we should learn from this experience: in the future, please start
your testing as early as possible so that
> problems of this nature are caught early in the development cycle, and do
not need to be addressed at the last possible moment.
I agree with this and will do. On the other hand you still have to consider
that bugs can be
found at late phase. Looking at Bugzilla Bug 283 "libmthca and
libipathverbs 32 bit are not
installed on x86_64", which also came late in 1.1, I see much analogies
with the issues
I found with libehca on ppc64.
> I am sure that in the next release things will go more smoothly since
this was IBM's first participation in an OFED release.
Now libehca is broken in ofed-1.1. How can we fix that until 1.2?

Nam Nguyen

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