>There are numerous PerfManager models which can be supported:
>1. Integrated as thread(s) with OpenSM (run only when SM is master)
>2. Standby SM
>3. Standalone PerfManager (not running with master or standby SM)
>4. Distributed PerfManager (most scalable approach)

IMO, we will eventually need distributed managers, so I would go with the last
approach.  But, along those lines, if we had a distributed SM, would you still
want to separate the performance manager from the SM?  It seems more flexible,
but with additional load on the fabric.

>In terms of inter manager communication, there seem to be several
>1. Use vendor specific MADs (which can be RMPP'd) and build on top of
>2. Use IPoIB which is much more powerful as sockets can then be utilized.

You could also use RC QP communication up/down the hierarchy.

- Sean

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