On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 07:35, Or Gerlitz wrote:
> >> However, no matter what the SM configures, the core & ipoib code act as 
> >> the full pkey is there. This is nice simplification and it works well.
> > I believe it is a spec (compliance) violation for the port to be a
> > partial member and join as a full member.
> Since partial members can't talk among themselves, there is no reason to 
> form a multicast group containing --only-- ports that can --not-- talk 
> to each other... So if the spec does not allow this (having a partial 
> member joining with the full member pkey) - it a spec bug...

I think there are two issues here then:
1. If this is the case, getting the spec changed to accomodate this use
2. I believe that OpenIB code is supposed to be spec compliant.

-- Hal

> Or.

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