On 2/22/07, Sean Hefty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >My understanding is that when an IPoIB broadcast domain contains both
> >partial and full members (*) attempts to communicate between two partial
> >members would silently fail, does this silence is something you think we
> >should work to change?
> I'm looking at this from a different view than just ipoib multicast groups.  
> For
> example, can two users of the ib_cm successfully establish a connection, but 
> not
> actually be able to transfer data between each other?  This seems possible,
> though unlikely.  This is the type of silent failure I'm referring to.

I don't think this is possible since the active CM uses the pkey index
of the pkey provided in REQ.path to send the REQ mad, same for the
passive CM - it uses the index in its table of REQ.path.pkey. So if
the CMs are able to talk over QP1 using this pkey index the CM
consumers can talk over their RC (REQ) / UD (SIDR REQ) QPs. And both
the CM and its consumers would use the same index - the one returned
from the ib_get_cached_pkey


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