July 30, 2020 Executive Committee Call Minutes

Don Thibeau - Executive Director
Mike Jones
Nat Sakimura
Bjorn Hjelm
George Fletcher
John Bradley


Mike Leszcz - OpenID Foundation
Tom Smedinghoff - Locke Lord LLP
Filip Verley - Google
Sam Goto - Google
Justin Toupin - Google

1.       Google's WebID Proposal
Google gave us an update on their WebID proposal.  It is motivated by the 
changing privacy landscape on the Web.  The Web evolution under way to prevent 
cross-site tracking changes some things that OpenID Connect relies upon.  The 
WebID work is in the early stages.  Google wants to involve the OpenID 
Foundation as much as possible.  They sent us a letter inviting us to 
collaborate.  WebID recently moved to the W3C Web Incubator Community Group - 
at https://github.com/WICG/WebID.  The spec is at 
https://github.com/WICG/WebID/blob/master/design.md.  George Fletcher has 
joined the community group.

Nat asked Sam if he wants to eventually take a community group specification to 
a working group.  They started in WICG to try to find a place where browser 
vendors and IdPs are present.  Future plans are TBD.  W3C WebAppSec WG is a 
future possibility.  WICG is designed for early incubations.  Okta, 
Janrain/Akamai, and Auth0 are involved.

Nat asked what the next steps are.  All are encouraged to read the spec and 
provide feedback in the issue tracker.  George suggested working on use cases 
and deployment models.  Don suggested a blog post on openid.net.  Nat suggested 
a subgroup within the OpenID Connect working group be formed to participate in 
this work.  George will send a link to the Connect working group tomorrow.

2.       Government Update
Don Thibeau reported that the FDIC has requested information on industry 
approaches to financial services security and certification.  The FTC also just 
sent a similar request, as did the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). 
 We may want to collaborate with industry partners like FDX to report on the 
effectiveness of self-certification in the financial services industry.  The 
feedback deadline for the FDIC is September 20, 2020.  See these documents from 

3.       Certification Migration Update
We finally received our first OpenID Connect certifications with the new tool 
yesterday; Filip Skokan certified to all of the 11 OP profiles.  He attempted 
to certify to the RP profiles today but discovered that tests for two of the RP 
profiles were never created - RP Config and RP Dynamic.  Serkan Özkan thinks 
that he can create these in the next two weeks within his remaining migration 
budget - which he believes will exhaust it.

Microsoft tested AAD V2 and sent feedback on the new tool last week.  Edmund 
Jay tested his PHP OP; Nat is preparing a submission.  Tests by Filip and 
Microsoft identified improvements that need to be made to the instructions.

People continue actively using the existing Python-based testing suite.  Roland 
Hedberg reports that there were 21 active testing configurations in the last 14 
days.  A new certification request using this tool came in from OGIS-RI 

We currently have a warning in the Python suite that it will be decommissioned 
soon.  Mike Jones suggested that we send affirmative warning that we plan to 
turn it off at the end of August.  Mike Jones suggested updating the warnings.  
Don proposed a blog post.  Nat suggested that we reach out to those who have 
certified.  Mike Jones suggested that he and Mike Leszcz work on blog post and 
the e-mail notification text.

Nat proposed that we resolve to notify people that we plan to decommission the 
old certification suite at the end of August.  The resolution passed 

4.       Liaison Update
Nat led a workshop with the International Institute of Finance (IIF) - the 
financial arm of the IMF.  This is a group of international bankers and 
regulators.  We are working to fold our FAPI and eKYC-IDA work into these 
international efforts.  See this post from the 
 which includes a photo of our own Don Thibeau!

We're working with the Digital Identity Coalitions of the World Economic Forum. 
 The OIDF has been invited as a liaison partner into the coalition.

We had a join presentation at the virtual Identiverse with FDX, OBIE, and 
Australian open banking representatives.  Australia went live with a soft 
launch of FAPI in July.  The FDX will announce their support for FAPI in 

Nat reports that Canada and Brazil are working towards FAPI.  Russia is 
translating the FAPI specs into Russian.

5.       Events
We continue planning and executing high-touch virtual workshops with partners, 
especially in the financial space.

The fall virtual Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) has been announced, and will 
be held October 20-22, 2020.  We could hold a virtual OIDF workshop in 
association with it.

6.       Membership Update
HSBC joined as a member - the first of the CMA9 to join.  IBM obtained FAPI 

7.       Next Meeting
There will be an EC call on Thursday, September 3rd at 3pm Pacific Time.

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