On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Guido Berhoerster <g...@openindiana.org> wrote:

> Thanks for investigating this, time-slider is still developed in
> the open by Oracle, see
> http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/jds/time-slider/
> We currently ship the latest version so this has not been fixed
> upstream.
> So I figure in this case it would make sense to raise this issue
> upstream with the information you already provided at the OI
> tracker. If they do not fix it in a reasonable timeframe we'll
> have to come up with a fix on our own.
> Would you mind filing a bug at http://defect.opensolaris.org/ and
> linking to it from the OI bug afterwards?

I have created an issue in the Opensolaris bug tracker and I've
updated the Illumos ticket with the URL. Hopefully they will fix it,
if not I'd be glad to hack together a patch that makes this not happen
in OI. I'm no python guru but this should be a pretty easy fix :)

Oh, and should anybody else encounter this issue, if you'd rather not
hack zfs.py, a workaround is to *also* set
com.sun:auto-snapshot:{frequent|hourly|daily|monthly|weekly}=false on
any of the volumes that are being snapshotted incorrectly.


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