Richard, Jesus: 

This conversation is helpful to me; I am wrestling with this right now, as I am 
modifying a build or two to be Oi-specific. 

What's the consensus? What's the best, most reliable 'tag' to use for 
indicating a given build is for Oi_148? 

Of course, the question suggests: 'What the best way to remain most compatible 
with the largest number of other packages and subsequent incarnations of Oi'? 

Lou Picciano 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard L. Hamilton" <> 
To: "Discussion list for OpenIndiana" <> 
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 10:47:52 AM 
Subject: Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenIndiana branding 

On Jan 15, 2011, at 3:33 AM, Jesus Cea wrote: 

> Hash: SHA1 
> On 14/01/11 21:53, Alasdair Lumsden wrote: 
>> OpenIndiana is technically SunOS 5.11, and to maintain compatibility 
>> we'll be keeping this for the foreseeable future. Perhaps in the very 
>> distant future a version bump might occur, but we're talking 5+ years 
>> here I imagine. 
> While I support "SunOS 5.11" naming, I am a bit afraid of compatibility 
> divergences with the coming Solaris 11, also known as "SunOS 5.11". So 
> we will have two different systems reporting "SunOS 5.11" that are not 
> actually the same system. 
> I don't have any better proposal, though. Maybe considering any 
> incompatibility with Solaris 11 a "bug to be fixed" could be a good 
> advice. Time will tell, I guess. 

Together with keeping uname -v unique, so that any unavoidable 
or intentional differences that remain can be identified, IMO that's 

Even those differences that aren't bugs or can't be fixed should IMO be 
_documented_, so that one could know that for a given oi_xxx, what the 
differences were to the most similar Solaris 11 build. They might well be 
mostly that some recent or proprietary feature wasn't available, I'd imagine. 

Hopefully proper configuration scripts that as much as possible probe for 
features rather than _assuming_ features given an OS version will largely avoid 
problems when building source. But for those that don't, and for binary 
compatibility, it would be IMO very desirable for the differences to be 
documented. Also, the exercise of documenting the differences should serve as 
an additional check on avoiding unintended differences. 

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