On Thu, 2011-06-02 at 04:39 -0700, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
> > Unfortunately.  For example, I'd really like to be using OI, OS, or
> > whatever.  But reality is that Linux meets my needs on the desktop
> > workstation front _much_ better. So after much patience and testing of
> > oi-151b I've reluctantly had to admit that I need to go with Debian
> > until OI has come along a bit further.  Server side 151 release may yet
> > see some action though.
> > 
> Well in cases like this I suggest people to switch to Windows or MacOS.
> In other words, people demand too much without contributing anything. 
> A.S.
> PS I think Kennedy said something similar but of course in a different
> context.

Well, gee, guess I'd better do some self examination....

- I first logged into Unix shell account in 80 or 81.
- Been using BSD's (Free and Open) in production since mid to late 90's.
- Seasoned sysadmin, certified on HP-UX.
- Over the years have provided support to a couple open source projects.
- Been Microsoft free on the home front since the new millennium.
- Only use MS in business contexts when forced to do so.
- Kids have been using *nix since preteen years.

Yep.  It's official. I'm too stupid and definitely not l337 enough for
OpenIndiana so I should go use Windows or MacOS and not leech off of OI.
Given this state of affairs, it's probably also amoral for me to remain
subscribed to these lists and waste OI.org bandwidth. 

Thanks for helping me work that out cuz I'm surely too challenged
mentally to have worked that out on my own.

Have a nice day.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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