On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:03 PM, McBofh <james.c.mcpher...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23/06/11 11:52 AM, Michael Kerpan wrote:
>> Wow. They killed a lot of stuff. Not only 32-bit x86 support but tons
>> of other stuff too. SPARC Workstation support has been killed off (no
>> more UltraSparc I/II/III/IV support, no more Xsun and no more hardware
>> accelerated OpenGL for SPARC) and a lot of legacy peripheral support
>> for both x86 and SPARC is gone.
>> Hopefully, OI won't be following along this path.
> what, you still want to run parallel scsi 32bit-only drivers like
> ncrs, which are poor (very very poor) cousins of glm?
> McB.

I can almost see dumping 32-bit x86.

but dumping 64-bit US-III/IV?

Clearly, Oracle is going to use this as a stick to force customers to
upgrade to new hardware, or away from Solaris/Oracle completely
while they overcharge for "legacy Solaris 10 support".

Good business strategy.  :-p

Lines from "Other People's Money" keep rolling through my mind....

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