On 06/28/2011 09:32 PM, Gordon Ross wrote:
Here is the ::stack
>  http://img220.imageshack.us/i/oi148stack.jpg/
If you look at what the other threads are doing
   ::walk thread | ::findstack -v
I suspect you'll see that ZFS is still trying to import.

I would suggest you dd if=/dev/zero of=/your/disk
with a much larger count.  ZFS tries quite hard to
find a super block, which works against you here:)


I tried dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0p0 count=2000000
but after some two hours I stopped it (ctrl-z).
The 2M I got from going into format, partition p, c1t0d0 - where it says that there were 286599600 blocks.

::walk thread | ::findstack -v
the console froze after some 25 pages..
This usually happen while I'm in the kernel debugger.
Sometimes it freezes after first 4-5 characters.

Johan Guldmyr, Systems Specialist
Storage Platform,
CSC - IT Center for Science,

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