On Oct 9, 2011, at 11:37 AM, Ken Gunderson wrote:

> On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 18:35 -0600, LinuxBSDos.com wrote:
>>>> As Bernd Helber remarked, forums can play a significant role in Linux
>>>> distributions, as they allow users to "have conversations". It would be
>>>> great if an initiative to create one for OI could be started.
>>> I agree that forums are more user-friendly when you're searching for
>>> an answer that already exists. However, I find mailing lists easier to
>>> interact with and reply to on a regular basis. I think the reason the
>>> OpenSolaris forums worked so well is that each forum also had a
>>> mailing list bridged with it, so you got the best of both worlds (easy
>>> search and easy participation). My request would be the the mailing
>>> lists not be dumped in favor of forums, but rather set up as another
>>> way of participating with the forums.
>> I didn't call for abandoning the mailing list, rather for setting up
>> something that is more community-oriented.
> Mailing Lists are inherently community oriented.  That some other
> johnny-come-lately technology, e.g. web based forums, has subsequently
> gained popularity does not invalidate mailing lists communities.

I prefer mailing lists because I can be subscribed to multiple topics and have 
only one place I need to go in order to stay abreast of the topics I choose to 
follow. With web forums, that's not as easy. RSS feeds/readers have made it 
easier. Strangely enough, web forums that post new topics as twitter comments, 
and then email copies of replies seems to be taking on popularity, so that now 
I'm able to follow some sites on Twitter to see what's new, and if I 
participate in a thread I can then subscribe to email updates of that 
conversation. With that approach I no longer have to go visit the forum 
directly until I get a notification (twitter or email) of something new.

All of that said, however, I've noticed that "newer" internet users are not so 
much internet users but rather WEB users. For them, support mechanisms are 
Forum based, not mailing list. Some may eventually get on mailing lists, but 
the forums tend to be their preferred choice. Their popularity has reached the 
point where one forum software company also has Android (not sure about iphone) 
apps that are able to communicate with the forum software directly giving a 
mobile interface other than the web native interface.

Despite personal preferences aside, the current reality is that a web forum can 
be, right or wrong, a critical factor in the success of a project, and may be 
viewed as an indication of the health of the project as well.

And, if we do start a web forum, until we have a critical mass of active 
"experts" able to answer questions, I believe we should have the forum gated to 
the mailing lists. Otherwise we'll end up with two classes of users and 
answers.  It takes work to build a forum and get the community active and 
helping each other, and without gating the forums to the mailing list I'm 
betting there will be frustrating delays between questions asked and answers 
that really help them from those that are not used to checking the forums too. 
I don't see the gate between forum and mailing list being there forever though.

There's not an easy answer here.

If the concern is that there is an undisclosed relationship with a "new" forum 
system, then use one of the older ones that are common, then consider using 
something like phpBB that's been around for a while. Or, if we can get it 
approved, something like vBulletin that has the mobile apps I mentioned 
previously. If there's support for going towards vBulletin, I'd consider 
sponsoring (and hosting if necessary) part (or possibly all) of the cost to get 
the initial license (licenses are one time, with upgrades within the release 
included, but not upgrades to next major release). And, for the record, I have 
no relationship with phpBB or vBulletin, other than I have setup phpBB and I 
have been a user in a community that uses vBulletin.

However, to really benefit, it would help if the forums, wiki, site 
documentation, etc. were all under one umbrella and "seamless" to the users. 
Going to one place for wiki documentation, another for forums, and possibly 
others for other information, ends up leaving the user with a disconnected and 
unprofessional feeling about the project, IMO, which can be worse than not 
having the forums to begin with.


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